I'll tell ya, if every paper prototype session would be like this, we would do it quite often! In fact, every freakin' day!
We came together around 1.30 PM, drank some coffee and tea and immediately started discussing some of our main issues, namely gameplay and the 3 different sections. After some inventive use of props like chairs and vacuumcleaners, we cleared these issues in a matter of minutes. Most of the time was spend smoking, drinking and spamming each other with "yo momma" jokes.
Here's a collage of some of the pictures made today, I think it may make some sense then :P
Not unimportantly, here's the paper prototype. Here we tested multiple angles, testing what is interesting (or not). Or what we can do at fast turns, for example. It's all still very open.
And finally, here's a videoclip of some brainfarts. Viewer discretion is advised (it also may smell funny), because there are some explicit clips of stupidity displayed. But hell, we had a lot of fun and made some very important decisions today. Yeah!