dinsdag 28 april 2009

Pasta Prototyping Bitch!

Today we came together at my place (Tom) and had another very fruitful meeting.

I'll tell ya, if every paper prototype session would be like this, we would do it quite often! In fact, every freakin' day!

We came together around 1.30 PM, drank some coffee and tea and immediately started discussing some of our main issues, namely gameplay and the 3 different sections. After some inventive use of props like chairs and vacuumcleaners, we cleared these issues in a matter of minutes. Most of the time was spend smoking, drinking and spamming each other with "yo momma" jokes.

Here's a collage of some of the pictures made today, I think it may make some sense then :P

Not unimportantly, here's the paper prototype. Here we tested multiple angles, testing what is interesting (or not). Or what we can do at fast turns, for example. It's all still very open.

And finally, here's a videoclip of some brainfarts. Viewer discretion is advised (it also may smell funny), because there are some explicit clips of stupidity displayed. But hell, we had a lot of fun and made some very important decisions today. Yeah!

maandag 27 april 2009

First tryout Cardboard

Hey dudes,

Here's a first attempt of making our idea in real life. I didn't made any real designs here, just went for the feeling. It was quite fun, although I learned that cardboard can be a tricky medium to work with.

The question is: Are we gonna use the characteristics of cardboard in our game? I mean, the grainy texture is a no-brainer, but its sturdiness, slight flexibility, its multiple layers etc? Next to the look of the game it will also affect other areas, like the animation department. I guess we'll discuss tomorrow ;)

donderdag 23 april 2009

Moodboard Stage Progression: Feel

Moodboard depicting the feeling of the ride as it progresses from the calm, green beginning to the dark, industreal, red end of the ride.

woensdag 22 april 2009

first sketches character Niels and I

Hey dudezzz,

First sketches from Niels and I involving the main character. Very basic but fun nonetheless fun!

Character Moodboard v0.1

A moodboard focusing mostly on the assets that the main character should carry and the looks that he could have, but not as much a moodboard for the actual visual style that he might eventually get.

Basic setup!

Hey dudezz,

Here's a basic setup for our "looking box" style. I made two setups because Niels and I have some different ideas about the setup. Niels' vision is more like setup A and mine is B. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but we'll have talk about this :)

Moodboard "Adventure"!

Hey dudezzz,

Here's the moodboard more focused on the adventure element of our ride. It's exciting, it's fresh, it's exploration, you name it! This is also more focused on establishing a mood and a setting, and on the first part of the ride (collecting ideas - green - new etc.).

dinsdag 21 april 2009

Gameflow Chart Mockup

Just a first mockup i wanted to share.

maandag 20 april 2009

Moodboard Tiki Tiki!

Hey guys,

Here's my Tiki Moodboard. Everything we came up today is in there. It's still a bit broad, but nonetheless excitin!

I tried to incorporate lots o' stuff, like surf culture and imagery, the Tiki statues, the world famous tacky Tiki Bar signs (maybe useful in the game), the aesthetics from the fifties (hot rods, adverts etc.) and some Tiki "architecture", like huts. This can become somethings very interesting!

Hope you like it! Comments are very welcome.

zondag 19 april 2009

Moodboard en Visualisatie

Hier een korte visualisatie die in een korte impressie zou moeten vertellen waar onze ride nou eigenlijk over gaat.

En hier een moodboard voor de style. Even wat anders als die van Tom, dus daar moeten we nog maar even over bakkelijen.

"Designer Vision"

Storyboard "designer vision"

1st Moodboard Stijl

Hey dudes,

Hier is het 1e moodboard voor de stijl. Hopelijk verwoordt het ook jullie beeld van de voorlopige stijl :)