maandag 18 mei 2009

Boot thumbs

Sorry for the delay, had to finish some shit.
Here are the thumbs for the boat. Choose a few and then I'll make another final iteration.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey Tom,

    I personally like the one from the first shit with the "BAH" words above it. Well actually I like the pot that's on it, the boat itself is a bit boring. We don't have to explain or justify why we have a vacuum on board of the boat, it's just there and the flies could swarm in it when you are catching flies.

    I like the fact though that the player (as seen in the second from the top left row) sticks out of the ride a little bit. I can't pin down why but to the eye it looks right.

    As my second choice; the second sheet, the second from the top on the second row ;). It feels alive and we could use the torches to lit the environment in the third act.

    By the way, great work again Tom. I personally think you really did a great job on designing the visual style. Not just this boat or the character but the entire style guide. It really all adds up and I think that's what makes a good design.

  2. Thanks man, doing what I can. Thanks for the quick response, I,'ll see you tomorrow.

  3. Well, I'm usually a sucker for symmetry with a twist to break it up... I like the more symmertrical carts on the second sheet, but they could use a little... well... oompf to break them up. Just a little detail here and there.
