zaterdag 16 mei 2009

Mock-up in 3D

Alright, so here's the mock-up I've promised all of you. Took me damn long enough to get the camera to follow the cilinder AND turn with it as well, but ofcourse as always the answer was so damn simple it made me cry,

For some reason the background isn't changing colour the way I had intended, but I'll fix that before the monday meeting.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey dude,

    Good to see something from the flipside!
    Great shit, good to see some test regarding the "flow" of the ride.

    Well, I think the camera following the log is kinda taking the whole experience and illusion away. Turns are not turns anymore. A more "static" camera will do the ride more justice, I think.

  2. Hey Bram,

    Nice to see things running! The static camera idea is ok but I think when you use it in a turn it's kinda stiff. Maybe we could rotate the camera a bit when it's doing a looping or something?
